其實我只不過把我 面試中學之前寫的筆記放上來,沒用別打我🙈🙈
一般升中面試會有以下內容 : 
  1. 自我介紹
  2. 英語對答
  3. 朗讀文章
  4. 看圖說話
  5. 時事討論
  6. 小組討論
自我簡介大約佔一至兩分鐘, 在面試前可以先問問自己以下的問題
  1. 嗜好
  2. 性格
  3. 最喜歡的國家(原因)
  4. 喜歡什麼科目
  5. 喜歡什麼動物
  6. 喜歡什麼書
  7. 長大後想做什麼
  8. 強項
  9. 弱項
  10. 報讀原因(最重要)
  1. 以自己為中心
  2. 突出自己優點
  3. 學習藏拙
  • 坐姿端正
  • 聲線洪亮
  • 帶有自信及眼神接
  • 觸完整句子作答
  • 主動詳述內容
  • 避免陳腔濫調
  1. Where do you live? Do you like this district?
  2. What do you usually do with your family?
  3. What is your favourite sports?Why?
  4. What are your strengths and weakness?
  5. Do you like Hong Kong?Why?
  6. What kind of books do you like reading?
  7. What season do you like the most?
  8. Which subject do you think is the most difficult?
  9. What do you usually talk with your parents?
  10. If you could have any animals as pets,what kind of pet would you most like to have?
  11. Have you ever travelled to other places? Where did you travel?
  12. Do you read news?Please share a recent news that you think is the most impressive
  13. Where is your school?
  14. Who is your favourite teacher?
  15. Who is your best friend at school?
  16. What is your favourite subject?
  17. What is your best subject?
  18. Is there any plan to improve yourself?
  19. What do you want to be in the future?
朗讀文章注意 :
  • 保持流暢
  • 掌握速度
  • 作適當停頓
  • 咬字發音清晰
  • 理解文章內容
  • 表達語氣
  • 善用時間
  1. 先給題目
  2. 再給予約兩分鐘準備
  3. 演說45秒-2分鐘
  1. 充分利用時間
  2. 思考演說題材
  3. 組織故事結構
  4. 掌握演說時間
  5. 與觀眾互動交流
  6. 運用6W + 1H (What, who, when, where, which, how)
  • My school life 
  •  my favorite teacher
  • My favourite animal
  • Facebook
  • Chinese new year
  • Summer holiday
  • Disneyland
  •  mobile phone
  • Library
  • Fireworks
    創作者 于木公主 的頭像


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